Showing posts with label Water Mixable Oils. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Water Mixable Oils. Show all posts

Friday, May 19, 2017

SOLD 1700 Garden in a Palm Tree

SOLD have been wanting to do a painting like this for ages, I have always been charmed by plants using a palm tree as a host for them to live upon.  This one is based on a tree at Heathcote Botanical gardens which has the vine and bromeliads growing up the palm. I took some liberties with the background, wanted it to be abstract so the viewer could see what they wanted in it.

I was using my new water mixable oils, had read you cannot mix them with water.   I don't know where that idea came from, but I hadn't read those directions (?) when I started using them.  It looks like it works fine, I used them about like watercolors in the back, got them totally liquid and dripped them onto the panel, tipping it this way and that to get interesting flow patterns.

Painting is 8 x 10 inches, oil on masonite, 

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

1699 Sunny Day at Heathcote Botanical Gardens

This one is a little different, its water mixable oils on watercolor paper.  I forgot to bring a panel to paint on!  So my friend Trude gave me a sheet of her  paper.  I had gotten a gift card from Jerry's Artarama for my birthday and I bought a set of the water mixable oils to try out.  I also bought a new bag and reorganized all my painting gear and that is why the panel got left out.  It was a lot of fun  to try something new.

That is Heathcote's Jacaranda tree to the right, its in bloom now and very pretty.  The gardens look very lovely right now, flowers everywhere. 

I used the w.m. oils like watercolors, thinned down with plenty of water and also as oils applied thickly.  When the paint is thinned down its very transparent and has that glow to it that watercolors can have. I just used a couple of brushes on this one and didn't use my knife.

The painting is 8 x 8 inches, special price of $150.
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Price: $150 USD

1851 Jetty Morning

  Did this awhile ago at the Jetty park here in Fort Pierce.  The painting is 12 x 16 inches, oil on canvas panel. It will be at our art sho...