When I am trying new things I just try out different strokes on a panel and then scrape them off and keep re-using my paint and cleaning off the panel. I was thinking the knife shapes would make nice leaf veins and edges which it looks like they will do and then I thought I would try some flower shapes too.
My experiment was looking like a painting and so I kept what I was doing and added white to it. I am not sure if I want to add color to the painting or not, I like it as it is, except I want to add the pollen to the stamen ends and do a little more picking here and there. Not for sale at this time, its 8 x 10 oil.
Lori, I REALLY like these flowers! The shading is so subtle and the black and white is quite dramatic. Looks like the new painting knives are winners.
Thanks BJ, I am having fun with them.
You were kind to respond to me blog for Hall Groat's class. We were in an Art 125 class which was intro to computer design at Broome Community College here in Binghamtom New York. Just found out that I got an A in the class. About your painting 744, I'm not a real good judge in the art world, but if that is an experiment then I say you go girl and keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bill Gifford
Thanks much Bill! Congratulations on your A!
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