I am back, I had a wonderful trip! This is the only painting I did on the trip, I have broken my run of daily painting. I don't know what these trees were, their trunks were all white, the sun was shining through their leaves, lighting them up. I was thinking they were birch trees but they had no black on them like birch trees have. We went swimming in the river there, it was lovely and cool. The painting is 4 x 6 inches, plein air and not for sale.
Came home to a mess, yard is full of palm fronds from tropical storm Fay. We flew through the outer bands of it, I was scared! We landed at 5:30 am. We had a great trip, not very restful but it was a lot of fun. Saw the Sequoias, Yosemite, Bristlecone pine forest, Hoover Dam, Mono lake. We did some off roading, we rented a brand new Jeep Liberty. We went on this sandy curvy road by Mono lake, bouncing up and down three feet, I was up in the air! Then we took this shortcut to get out of the bristlecone forest and oh my, it was so scary! Silver Canyon road. Goat track, the jeep barely fit! It was steep and curvy and narrow, straight down drop, once we were on it we had to just crawl down. One lane, I don't know what would have happened if someone came the other way. Loose rocks all over 45 degree down angles.
Below is a link to a little video I made of the beginning of the road.